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Recommend Products

Muscle Rub
This product can temporarily relieve minor muscle and simple back pain, strains, and sprains.
It has strong penetrating power in which can immediately promote blood circulation in the affected area after rubbing.
Hence, it reduces muscle swelling and pain, producing a rapid curative effect

8 Degree™ - Immun Active(Contains precious maitake mushroom extracts (90 vegetarian capsules)
(Buy 2 get 1 free)
• Maitake has prominent immune function. It promotes the action of
other immune-related cells. Cytotoxic T-cells (TC) that can attack
disgust cells.
• Maitake may work in conjunction with chemotherapy to lessen its side
effects, such as hair loss,pain,and nausea and to boost its positive effects
• By slowing the patient's pain, improve appetite and mental state.
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